Inspiration From The Distant Past

Inspiration From The Distant Past
Found note in an old book... warms the cockles of my bookish heart...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Celebrating Fifty Years of To Kill a Mockingbird

Did you know that the novel To Kill A Mockingbird is fifty years old?

I didn't until I read the article Monroeville's Mockingbird in the July issue of Southern Living. Here is a link to a summarized version of the article on the magazine's website: Monroeville's Mockingbird .

If you are a fan of the book or interested in the author, please seek out the full article. It isn't a literary article but it has quirky anecdotes from townspeople who actually know the reclusive Nelle Harper Lee (they call her Nelle). I enjoyed reading about the locals tiptoeing around Lee; reading about her 99 year old sister still practicing law; and reading about her interactions with Dr. Butts and former Auburn Coach Pat Dye.
Your local library should have a copy to browse or just buy an issue. It is chock full of yummy summer recipes for garden veggies, salads, icecreams, and margaritas that will help make the purchase worthwhile... I am certainly planning to try out many of the recipes.

Monroeville, Harper Lees's Alabama hometown and the inspiration for the novel's fictional town of Maycomb, is hosting a shindig July 8-11 to celebrate the anniversary of To Kill A Mockingbird. Wouldn't it be fun to attend? The town will be auctioning off a signed copy of the novel. Wonder what it will go for? Probably more than I can afford!
Even if you miss the anniversary celebration, the townspeople of Monroeville put on an annual production of a play based on the book each spring.

It may be amateur and Harper Lee may not endorse the event, but if I am ever in Monroeville at the right time, I plan to see it. What about you?


  1. I don't find myself in Alabama often, but I'm with you--I would totally go to the play and shindig if I ever happened to be there at the right time.

    Missed you . . . glad you're back!

  2. Thanks Kathy--- I am glad to be back even though it feels like I'm trapped in an episode of the Twilight Zone! And thanks for mailing me the VVV book-- I will email you today.



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